Warriors Mark Kennels

Hunting Dog Breeds Raised: American Brittany, English Pointer, English Setter, English Springer Spaniel, German Shorthaired Pointer, Labrador Retriever

Warriors Mark Kennels is Pennsylvanias premier hunting dog facility offering some of the finest bird dogs and puppies available. It is centrally located on 2,700 acres midway between Altoona, Clearfield and State College, PA. The kennel has facilities for boarding, training, and breeding Labrador Retrievers, English Setters, English Pointers, German Shorthairs, Springer Spaniels and Brittanys. Breeding top quality field bred dogs for hunting upland game and waterfowl as well as being great companions and pets is our specialty. Our puppies only come from proven hunting dogs that are Field Champions or are used for guided hunts on our preserve as well as wild birds. All of our puppies are of top quality; AKC or FDSB registered and come with a written health guarantee. We also provide stud services from some of our award winning sires.

Classifieds for Warriors Mark Kennels

Warriors Mark Kennels - NFC FC NFTCH FTCH Crosswinds Watch This

Type: Puppies For Sale
Ginter , PA | 29 days

NFC FC NFTCH FTCH Crosswinds Watch This X Warmarks Maxs Magical Merlynn Sire:2024 Canadian National Open Champion 2023 US National Open Champion Chance is a truly remarkable dog with an exceptional bloodline, his pedigree, combined with more...


Testimonials for Warriors Mark Kennels

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Contact Warriors Mark Kennels

Eric Gilliland
548 Hunt Club Drive
Ginter , PA 16651
United States

Email Warriors Mark Kennels