
Hunting Dog Breeds Raised: Labrador Retriever, Vizsla
We will schedule each family a time to come pick up their puppy in the order that the deposits were paid. We also work hard at placing the right puppy with the right family. We watch each puppy closely to determine its energy level, bird drive, personality and independence level and then inform each family of each puppies differences and make recommendations on which puppy we feel will fit their family and situation the best. By doing this we help each family take home the vizsla puppy that fits them best.
Pedigrees for OUTDOORSMAN Vizslas
Classifieds for OUTDOORSMAN Vizslas
Testimonials for OUTDOORSMAN Vizslas
Stephanie Francelj | Nov 10, 2015
Ellie is doing great, she is not overly large, and she weighs 44 LBS and is very active. She is very tolerant of all people, animals and very well mannered. Except for the occasionally counter surfing, which she does with such grace. LOL. She was late to swim, but now she loves it and even dives under water for sticks. We have not had any medical issues with her, except when she ate some moose poop out in the wild, and ended up with bad diarrhea and feeling unwell. Otherwise she is awesome. Thanks again for our Amazing Ellie Bishop! We love her to pieces and cant imagine our life without her.
LaDean May | Nov 10, 2015
Our Vizsla is doing great, We absolutely love her! She has a good drive with nose to the ground.
Jennifer Jones | Jan 20, 2015
Hello Andrew, I hope all is well for you! Oh man we love our little boy but he sure is a turd! Not a moments rest at the Jones household. And though we have just completed our first round of puppy training at calling all dogs, we will require more. We have sure spoiled Kodi and he sleeps between Brian and I. We are fools- but we adore him! Thank you for taking such good care of him. Tell your cute little girl hello!
Stephanie Francelj | Nov 13, 2014
I thought I would give you and update on Ellie! She is doing great, house training is going very well. Or only issue right now is trying to curb her cravings on biting our fingers and toes. Hopefully with time she will grow out of this phase. Thank you again! We absolutely love her to pieces. She is also sleeping in our bed at night--- spoiled I guess. Sincerely Stephanie
Steve Call | Oct 29, 2014
We sure love our Ruby and feel like we are pretty darn lucky. Having never raised a puppy before, we had some tough weeks but never gave up on her and now she is a delight most of the time. :) She has such a great temperament and we love her energy level! Thank you for such a great dog!
The Maxfield Family | Oct 2, 2014
Our dog Pete came from you, and turned 3 this September. He has been far more eager to please and thus, much easier to train than our last Vizsla, which did not come from your blood lines. Last fall my youngest son took his first pheasant over Pete's point, It was a first for both dog and boy and I'm not sure who was more hooked on hunting with that particular bird - the boy or the dog. That one truly lit this dogs fire and he has become a hunt'n fool ever since. This dogs interest, drive and ability to cover ground are something to behold all that and he has turned out to have a wonderful temperament as well. I'm sending along a pic of him as a 2 yr old doing what he does a good part of the day - locked up on point on some poor hapless tweety bird or robin that happens along into our back yard. (he spends a lot of time on point) The rest of his day is spent hoping to be a lap dog and doing what I assume most other Vizslas do best - RUNNING! In a couple of weeks we'll see how he does with chuckers in Nevada, those little bandits tend to make bird dogs tired and crazy.
Matt - Seattle WA | Sep 30, 2014
Floyd is doing great! He's got a very sweet personality. My vet said he has the best personality of all of the puppy Vizslas she has seen. She said most of them that she sees are 'nervous', but he is more Lab like. Floyd didn't like being compared to a Lab :-) He is afraid of nothing! Sirens, guns, kids, cars, loud construction equipment. Nothing scares him - they're all just new things to learn about. I think this is mostly due to socialization, as he has been everywhere and is in new situations daily, but have to believe at least some of it is the breeding. On our trip from Benson, he found the crate and crawled in before we made it to Bear Lake. So, crate training was 'free', and housebreaking was nearly painless. It made the 4000 miles that he spent in a car the first two weeks we had him enjoyable. Of course, keeping him out of the car now is a little difficult :-) Thanks again, couldn't be happier. He's going to need a little brother in a year of so, so keep me up to date on litters.
Jeff Nordeen | Sep 26, 2014
Hello Andrew and DeAnna. I wanted to spend a moment or two updating you on Jordan (Nordeen)! Jordan fits right in with our family and has been a constant source of laughter. She is thriving at almost 20 lbs already and long/lanky! She is a quick learner and watches EVERYTHING. She has no fear and we are even more convinced we may try agility with her as she has taken to the play equipment at the park, complete with slides. She loves being a complete lap dog:). Thank you for allowing Jordan to be in our lives. We look forward to each and every moment....
Stacy Betts | Sep 25, 2014
Our vizsla (Juno) is doing very well. Growing fast and socializing well with our lab. She has proven to have a good nose and is very adventurous. Not much makes her nervous...every morning she wanders into our pasture and says good morning to our cows. I get far more worried than she does. Every evening we play a game where I hide a pheasant wing and then bring her into the yard to find it. She seems to have a good desire to hunt for it and always ends up finding the wing. She is just starting to take several mile hikes with me in the mountains and is constantly vearing off the beaten path with her nose to the ground looking for "wings". So far we have been very pleased with her and look forward to see what she is capable of over the next 12+ months. We'll keep you updated as she continues to grow and progress.
Stran Davis | Jun 4, 2014
Just thought I would send you an update on Red. He is such an awesome dog. His nickname is Albert Einstein because of how smart he is. Thanks so much for such an awesome and fun dog. If you want to go hunt at my family's farm in Idaho just give us a call we have been seeing tons of pheasants. Thanks so much, Stran.
Kelsey Bigelow | Jan 7, 2013
Milee is a wonderful smart and loving dog. We couldn't have been happier!!!
Dave Ryan | Nov 2, 2012
We are VERY happy with our puppy. He has been so much fun so far. He is learning to be crate trained, and although he has had a few accidents in the house, he hasn't had any in his crate, so I hope I am doing ok and doing the right things. He is also learning some basic obedience things like avoiding chewing, and biting, and jumping up on the kids. He is actually doing A LOT better in those regards. Other than that, the only other things I have been working on is some basic leash training, teaching him to stay and come, and playing fetch with a tennis ball (which he can't quite fit in his mouth yet, but he can snag the furry coating with his teeth and he retrieves it pretty well). He absolutely LOVES the fields. He is noticeably much more bold about crashing through the tall grass and alfalfa than my previous dog (the shorthair) was at that age. He seems right at home. I ordered some pheasant wings to try to get him used to those smells also, so maybe next year he will be ready to give some hunting a try. Again, we are very pleased with Satch. Thanks again.
Sandi Hirt | May 5, 2010
We named our puppy Sir Rusty Axel Grease! Haha but we call him Axel for short. He is an amazing dog. I've never had a dog before and it is really great how he has bonded with my husband and me. I can't imagine our home without him. We live in Eagle Mountain and he loves running through all the hills and brush we have. I can't wait to take him to the lake this summer. Axel is a little sneak though... Haha he's so smart. He's always trying to get up on our bed in the middle of the night and squeeze in between my husband and me. Silly dog. Thank you so much for him! I'm glad his parents are doing well. They made one great puppy! :)
Contact OUTDOORSMAN Vizslas
3531 W 3000 N
Logan, UT 84335
United States
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