Burke Family

Male #2 Male #2 Male #1 Male #1 Male #1 Male #1 Male #1 Male #2 Sire 6 week pic 7 week pic Dam with litter.  12 puppies! Sire and Dam

Hunting Dog Breeds Raised: German Wirehaired Pointer

AKC German Wirehaired Pointer puppies. Super birdy! Born 4/30/24. Some males and females still available. Located in Central Illinois. Text for details, pics of other available puppies,and pedigree.

Classifieds for Burke Family

Testimonials for Burke Family

Please share your experience of buying a new dog or puppy from Burke Family. Please remember the old adage, “If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.”

Contact Burke Family

John Burke

Rankin, IL 60960
United States

Email Burke Family