Big D Kennels
Hunting Dog Breeds Raised: American Brittany, English Pointer, English Setter, German Shorthaired Pointer
Classifieds for Big D Kennels
Testimonials for Big D Kennels
Gary Slayton | May 4, 2018
For the past 15 years I've owned the best and the healthiest little pack of bird dogs I've ever had in my entire life and every single one of them came from Big D Kennels! Mr Meyer raises only the best and I strongly recommend to anyone looking for a top notch bird dog to take a look at Big D Kennel. This is a family run establishment that truly cares about breeding and raising gun dogs of supreme ability & character disposition. I've never once been disappointed by any of their quality bred hunting companions or the friendly service and advice I've received from Mr Meyer at Big D Kennels and I can assure you won't be disappointed either! This is the place to go if you want the best hunting and/or family companion.
Kevin Breeding | Dec 4, 2016
I obtained a Brittany spaniel male from someone who bought it from Big D's and couldn't keep it for non dog related reasons. He was born on June 12, 2014 To "Big S Mr Dooley" and "Walton's Dixie Girl". I've had him about a year and a half and have been more impressed and thrilled every day- so much so that I just now did the research to find out where he was from (via AKC) and then finding this site. I just had to tell both Big D's and any future buyers what an incredible dog this is. I know for a fact that he got no training of any kind for the first year of his life. In spite of that, the first time I dropped a quail wing in front of him he locked up perfectly. THe first time I took him to the field, he locked up perfectly on a couvey and didn't move till I caught up and even then waited for me to flush them. AMAZING. I'm by no means a professional or even highly experienced bird dog trainer, but even I have easily been able to get this dog to be a perfect hunting companion. Also, forget everything you heard about how a great hunting dog can't also be a great in-door family pet. This awesome guy is the perfect house dog in every way. doesn't tear things up, never goes potty inside- even when I've had to leave him much longer that I should. After being corrected just a couple times, I can now lay a plate with a juicy, just cooked t-bone steak on it 2 feet away from him on the floor, and won't even try to eat it. He sees a plate and actually backs away! You'd think I'd severely corrected him for eating off a plate but I just said no and swated his behind with a rolled paper on 2 occassions!!! ANd that was months ago and he still won't even look at a plate with meat on it. It's amazing! He's incredibly gentle and loving and acts like a good lazy dog inside that curls up at your feet, but once he goes outside he is the most energetic dog I've ever seen-ever. He can run wide open for HOURS! Its a joy to watch him work. It's a joy to have him as a pet. Best Dog I've ever owned, period. So if he is any indication of the bloodline and/or puppy training at Big D's, you should buy from them. If they read this....just let me say THANKS for a great dog! Kevin
Nick | Nov 9, 2016
I was trying to buy a dog from this place. I had questions about the vaccinations. The guy got snippy with me for asking. He said he vaccinates them at 3 weeks old and he does it himself. No one vaccinates a dog at 3 weeks old. Call any vet and the 1st set of shots is at 6-8 weeks old. I would stay away from this place.
Contact Big D Kennels
Lebanon, TN 37090
United States